Want to save time when recording encounters? Use our default templates! Templates allow you to populate the necessary notes within an encounter with just one click.
Encounter Templates
The template library for counselors and psychologists contains the following Encounter templates by default:
Social emotional visit
Scheduled visit
Group visit
Counseling assessment
Threat outcome
Student and staff meeting
Intake questionnaire
Emergency intervention
Goal Plan
Faculty consult
Guardian consult
Provider consult
Indirect support
Indirect student support
Neglect or Abuse report
Staff meeting
Faculty visit
Neglect or abuse report
Possible child abuse report
*Note: Guidance and academic support encounter types can be added upon request.
Not seeing an encounter template that you use regularly? Reach out to your Customer Success Manager to discuss getting templates built and added for you.
Note types
The most common default note for direct support interactions from school counselors is the Quick note. To change the default note in any given encounter type, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager.
Quick Note
Quick Note
These are the most general note type and has the following fields:
Issue - presenting problem field with options in the framework: academic, emotional, identity, home, social and risk
Learning impact
The following forms can be added to the quick note:
βAction step - in-session tools, and school or external follow-up steps
Subjective - reported presenting problem, reported mood and narrative field.
Objective - a bank of mental health observation fields like interpersonal, affect, mood
Assessments - including risk, suicide, or threat.
Plan - summary plan free-form field.
Consults - all consults can be added to a quick note.
CASEL competencies - full CASEL competencies framework for schools employing the CASEL model and tracking implementation.
Intervention tier - includes Tiers 1-3.
Behavioral health SOAP note
Behavioral health SOAP note
This common note template which includes a larger set of fields than the quick note, and organized in a SOAP note-taking framework.
Suicide risk assessment
Suicide risk assessment
August uses The Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS) template. Please keep in mind that suicidal ideation is included in the presenting problems fields as well.
Threat reporting and assessment
Threat reporting and assessment
August uses Comprehensive school threat assessment guidelines (CSTAG) based templates for threat reporting and are available to the Counselor role by default. This template includes the following note types:
Threat report
Threat response
Threat classification
Observations suggesting need for intervention
Mental health assessment
Parent interview
Case planTeacher/staff interview
Behavior intervention plan
Questions or Concerns?
Please do not hesitate to reach out to the August Schools Support Team at via live chat with the "Help" icon or via email at [email protected].