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Nursing Encounters Overview

This article will describe the fields and guide how to document encounters/meetings with students.

Updated over a week ago

Encounters are incidences of support between a provider and a school community member. Documentation of student visits, faculty visits, and indirect support is done in the Encounters section of the platform. August for Nurses enables documentation of encounters that are simple, single-interaction events and those that are complex multi-interaction events of different kinds with different stakeholders.

This article is broken down into 3 parts of an encounter, each with a video:

  1. Properties of an Encounter

  2. Charting an Encounter

  3. Accessing Historical Encounters

Encounters Properties

  1. Subject - The student or faculty member or section of students that is the primary subject of an encounter. Clicking the "link-out" button to the left of the subject's name will open their card.

  2. Opened by - The practitioner who initialized the documentation for the encounter.

  3. Assigned to - The practitioner currently assigned to handle the encounter. Encounters are automatically assigned to the practitioner who opened the encounter, but can be reassigned to other practitioners both in and outside of their department depending on the encounter type.

  4. Title - The title defaults to the encounter type, but can be edited to be custom.

  5. Status - Encounters can be open, closed, cancelled, locked and archived. Encounters that are locked cannot be unlocked, so this is recommended for rare cases of potential liability, it is meant to freeze the documentation at a point in time. Closing an encounter will close all notes within it.

  6. Time & duration - Notes have a started time and an optional finished time. The encounters times will be pinned to the underlying notes times. The time picker in the encounters experience is extremely flexible: a practitioner can write numbers like usual, but can also write something like "Next Tuesday at 3" and the system will recommend a proper date and time. The time associated with an encounter is tied to the notes within it. So the start time of an encounter is the time of the beginning of the first note, and the end time is the end time of the last note within it.

  7. Notes - are the provider-written documentation within encounters. There are different note types available in the different types of encounters that align with the type of documentation typically required for that type of support. There are also different note types within encounters so that providers who prefer different formats can use their preferred documentation style.

  8. Present - the Present field is to record anyone involved in an encounter, including but not limited to the subject. Subjects are automatically added as present in a note. A common example would be that a student has a problem that is documented in a clinic visit note, and then the practitioner consults with a faculty member about the event. The practitioner can document the faculty consult as a separate note, with the faculty member as present within the same encounter with the student remaining as the subject.

  9. Forms - Practitioners can also build up notes by adding forms to notes to provide additional observations, action steps, or other types of information that they want to collect within a note.

Charting an Encounter

  1. Click on the Encounters tab located on the left rail

  2. Hover over the blue Open new encounter and select your appropriate Encounter type from the dropdown list.

  3. Type the student name in the Subject line and select from the list provided.

  4. Enter your Chief complaint(s) from the type to search field, tree selection

  5. Type your narrative into the Summary field.

  6. Optional: You can add additional forms to your notes/clinic visit by clicking on the Add form to note link.

  7. Enter treatment(s) to the type to search, tree selection Treatment field.

  8. Click in the Disposition field and select from the list provided.

  9. Optional: You can enter any additional details for the disposition into the Disposition details field.

  10. To complete, close the ticket by clicking on the Shield icon in the upper right corner (it will turn purple when closed)

Accessing Encounters

There are three ways to access encounters in the platform:

  1. In the encounters section and can be accessed by clicking Encounters on the left rail.

  2. As a tab within the student card that shows encounters for which the student has been a subject.

  3. On the board page, there is a list of open encounters assigned to the logged-in practitioner.

Questions or Concerns?

Please do not hesitate to reach out to the August Schools Support Team at via live chat with the "Help" icon or via email at [email protected].

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