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Filtering Encounters

Step-by-step guide on filtering historical Encounters

Updated over a week ago

Looking for a specific encounter or group of encounters? The August Schools filter funnel is here to help! Quickly filter your historical encounters to find what you are looking for by type, subject, staff, time or status!

This article walks through the process of how to filter for all properties of an encounter.

Filtering Encounters

  1. Access the Encounters tab on the left side

  2. Select "All" from the list at the top, left selection

  3. Select "Filters" from the list at the top, right selection

  4. This opens the "Filter encounters by" section

    1. Filter options

      1. Encounter type

      2. Subjects

      3. Opened by

      4. Assigned

      5. Time started

      6. Status

  5. Example: student specific, closed encounters

    1. Enter student name in Subject

    2. Select "Closed" for Status


  6. To download a PDF of an Encounter, select the Encounter by clicking in the row


  7. Click the Export PDF button in the upper left


  8. The Export window will pop up as the job request runs. You may close this window to allow it to run in the back ground.

  9. To open the results, click on the link on the left side of the results

  10. To print a hardcopy, select the Printer option on the resulting PDF page

  11. Repeat the filter steps above if more than one PDF is required.

  12. Alternatively: If you want Open/Closed/Locked encounters for one specific student, you may access the Student card directly and click on the Encounters tab within the card. Process steps 6 through 10 and repeat as necessary.

Questions or Concerns?

Please do not hesitate to reach out to the August Schools Support Team at via live chat with the "Help" icon or via email at [email protected].

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