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Reviewing Form Resubmissions
Updated over a week ago

Sent a parent/guardian a follow-up on an enrollment form or document? When they resubmit the information, you can now review and accept that resubmission or delete the form from the packet.

Reviewing Form Resubmissions

  1. Starting in your August platform navigate to the Enrollment page, on the left hand menu.

  2. Selecting the Enrollment page, you will be brought into the Review process where all students will be listed.

  3. Filter your list of students by the "Needs Review" status by selecting that button. Or, select "Filters" to search for a particular student.

  4. Review the documents/information resubmitted by the parent/guardian by expanding the row to view the submission. If the resubmission looks correct, continue to accept and import.
    If in the resubmission the parent indicated a physical copy of the document or information will be provided, delete the form from the enrollment packet by selecting the trashcan icon.

  5. Now the resubmitted information has been added to the existing information accepted on the student card!

Questions or Concerns?

Please do not hesitate to reach out to the August Schools Support Team at via live chat with the "Help" icon or via email at [email protected].

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