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Encounter and Note Status
Updated over a year ago

When charting visits and care for students within encounters, you will see two statuses to be set: encounter status and note status. The encounter status indicates the status of the visit, where as the notes house the record of care administered by an individual.


The separate statuses is intentional! The statuses are separate to allow you and your team to collaborate and edit the same encounter without impacting each other's notes. Notes can only be edited by the individual who wrote them, but are visible to all assigned to the encounter.

Status Best Practice
We recommend always closing your encounter and notes after charting is completed. This can be done in one click by clicking the shield icon of your encounter (shown below).

Forget to set your note status but you set your encounter status? Not to worry! If the status of the encounter is set while a note is still open, the encounter status chosen will be assigned to the note.

Available Statuses

Open- This encounter/note is incomplete and may be edited by any user with the right permissions. This should be the status for encounters with outstanding notes.

Closed- Closing the encounter/note will mark it as complete and prevent future edits unless it is reopened. This is the preferred status after encounters and notes are complete.

Locked- Locking the encounter/note will prevent any future edits or additions. This status is best used in an emergency encounter to ensure the record is sealed.

Archived- Archiving the encounter/note will exclude it from analytics and other reporting.

No-Show*- Marking as no-show will close the encounter and record the party's failure to appear. This status is used when a visit has been scheduled.

Cancel*- Cancelling the encounter will remove it from analytics, and prevent any future edits

*Indicates as an encounter-only status

Questions or Concerns?

Please do not hesitate to reach out to the August Schools Support Team at via live chat with the "Help" icon or via email at [email protected].

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