Have a field trip coming up and need to send the chaperones with specific documents? August can easily export documents on file for students; this article walks through this process.
Downloading Student Documents
Starting in August, navigate to the Students page.
Open up the Sections within Students.
Find the section of students that need documents downloaded and check the box for this section.
Note: these sections are coming from your SIS, so reach out to your IT team if you can't find the right section of students.Click the "Download Student Documents" button at the top of the page.
A modal will appear with the various file tags available to select and download.
Not sure what a file tag is? Read the article about them here!Find and select the file tags to export by scrolling through the list or typing to search; remember, you can select multiple!
Next, set the remaining preferences:
PDF Format: select to separate each PDF into separate files or combine into one collated PDF.
"Send me a copy": this will email you the PDF file(s) instead of waiting for them to export while on the platform.
"Send others a copy": generating this for someone else? Choose the faculty or user(s) that should also get a copy of this file.
Click "Start Export."
The system will start exporting these files and will show you the progress via the Exports icon in the upper right hand corner of the screen, or email the files to you when they are done.
Questions or Concerns?
Please do not hesitate to reach out to the August Schools Support Team at via live chat with the "Help" icon or via email at [email protected].