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Check-in Feature for your Clinic
Updated over a week ago

The check-in feature allows students to check themselves into your clinic to be seen by one of your practitioners! Using their date of birth an initials students are added to a queue that shows on your Board page with a new widget.

See the video below on how this feature works!

How Students Check-in

Students will be asked for their date of birth and initials (if it is a duplicate birthday). The check-in page will automatically refresh 10 seconds after the check-in was complete.

Encountering Checked-in Students

Check-ins are visible using the "Today's check-ins" widget on the Board.

There are 3 statuses once student's check in: Waiting, Encountered, and Missed.

Updating the status of the student from Waiting to Encountered will pop open the encounter to chart.

If you were not able to see the student, you can mark them as Missed and no encounter will be created.

Interested in trying this out? Reach out to us via support at [email protected]

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