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How to: Create a New Form Request Packet
Updated over 3 months ago

A Form Request Packet is two or more form requests sent together to a recipient for a given (set of) student(s). Instead of sending each form request out individually (and approving them individually), you can stitch them together into a single packet (and review the submissions for a given student all at once).

Step One: Navigate to the Forms > Packets page

Step Two: Select the 'New Packet' button

It is a blue button located toward the top left of the page.

Step Three: Give packet template a title

Click into the 'New packet template' hyperlink towards the top left of the page to delete that text and enter your own.

Step Four: Edit your packet details

Form request packets have details such as the title, description, and reminder message the recipient(s) of the packet see(s).

To edit these details, select the blue 'Edit packet details' button.

Doing so exposes a window that allows you set the following fields on the answer:

  • Default title

  • Default description

  • Default reminder alert

Step Five: Add form templates to the packet

As a reminder, a form request packet contains two or more form request templates. Therefore, you will need to add these templates to the packet.

To do so, first select the '+ Add form' button.

This will display a pop-up window that allows you select existing form templates that you have created to the packet. Click into the text box to open a dropdown menu of these templates to choose from. Note: you can currently add just the templates that were created in your instance on the Forms > Templates page.

Step Six: Send the form request out via a batch request

Once you have configured your packet with the proper details and templates, you can send it out by selecting the 'Create batch request' toward the top right of the page.

You will then follow the existing way of creating a batch request using this button, as it is the same button and workflow as on the Forms > Requests page!

Step Seven: Review the form request on the Forms > Requests page

When you send the batch request out, you will be able to track its submission status and information on the Forms > Requests page, specifically on the 'All batches' tab.

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