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How to Create Procedures
Updated over 2 months ago

The August Schools Procedures feature set allows you to document the various recurring activities and information needed for a student's condition management. The feature integrates the Schedules (and thus Encounters) and Medications feature sets so that you may view and transact on the recurring meetings and medication administrations for the student. This article outlines how to create procedures.

Step One: Navigate to Procedures.

Step Two: Navigate to Procedures > List.

Step Three: Select '+ Create procedure.'

Doing so will open a 'Create procedure' pop-up window that allows you enter information on the procedure.

Required fields

  • In the 'Name' field, you must give the procedure a name (e.g., Blood sugar management).

  • In the 'Student' field, you must select the single student for whom the procedure is for (e.g., our test student August Wilson).

Fields to Highlight

Condition treated: This is a dropdown menu that will be populated with the active conditions on the student's record. Choose the condition for which this procedure is being made.

If the condition does not yet exist on the student's record, select '+ Add new condition.'

Start date and End date: These fields allow you to designate when a procedure becomes active and when it becomes inactive. The procedure will have a:

  • Pending status if the Start date is in the future.

  • Past status if the End date has passed.

  • Active status if the current date is between the Start and End dates, or neither dates have been set.

Medications and Schedules: Both of these fields allow you to associate an existing medication (and any generated medication administrations) and schedule on the student's record to the procedure.

Selecting 'Link existing' will open a pop-up window with a single dropdown for you to choose the medication or schedule.

Selecting '+ Create new' will open a pop-up window for you to create either a new student medication or new schedule on the student's record that will automatically be associated with this procedure.

Step Four: Select the 'Create' button on the 'Create procedure' pop-up window once you have filled out all the required and relevant optional fields for the procedure.

The Procedure will then show up on the list view.

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