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Adding an Allergy
Updated over a week ago

Student allergies are a vital data point to have within August to allow you to safely administer care. This article walks through how to easily add allergies to student records.

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Adding Allergies

  1. Start by looking up the specific student you need to add an allergy.

  2. Open their Student card.

  3. Click on the "+ Add allergies" button (in the upper right portion of the student card).

  4. A popup window will open titled "Add new Allergies" with your student's name pre-populated.

  5. In the Allergies field, type or click to select the specific allergen.

  6. Click in the Severity field and select the reaction severity.

  7. Enter any notes you would like saved in the Notes field. The notes typically include important information regarding this allergy and treatment.

    1. Notes will appear by hovering over the allergy.

  8. Click the blue "Add allergies" button to save the allergy.

  9. The modal will reappear if more allergies need to be added. If so, repeat steps 5-8. If no additional allergies are needed, close the modal and the student card will update automatically.

Questions or Concerns?

Please do not hesitate to reach out to the August Schools Support Team at via live chat with the "Help" icon or via email at [email protected].

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